Friday, December 26, 2008

An Exercise in Pre-Visualization

While wandering around the La Sal mountains in late fall of 2007 I saw these beautifully curved oaks whose trunks were a stark contrast to the arrow straight aspens residing behind them on a distant hillside. With winter only a day or two away, the barren trees had already shed their leaves for the season. I immediately recognized the potential the scene presented for a photographer lucky enough to arrive while the leaves were at their vibrant peak. Curved oaks dressed in warm hues of autumn foliage standing before the white trunked, golden aspens filled my imagination! I made one image of the scene, sans leaves, to store on my hard drive as a reminder of the potential image.

Fast forward a year and I found myself once again exploring the La Sals, in awe of the autumn display of brilliant foliage. Surrounded by yellow aspens, orange and red oaks, and vibrant maples I felt a rush of adrenaline course through my body. At times like this I feel like the luckiest man on earth.

I followed a steeply climbing dirt road to a small, unmarked turnoff where I parked my motorcycle at a familiar spot. I walked up a hill and turned left into a small meadow. Turning around, the scene I had pre-visualized appeared before me like a gift. There they were, red and orange oaks below the golden aspens. The scene was even more amazing than I had imagined!

Sunlight filtered in and out of puffy clouds passing overhead. I worked the scene until I found the composition I had visualized almost a year ago. When the scene fell into momentary shade I tripped the shutter, checked the LCD and let out a big ol' redneck "Yeeeee haaaaaa!!!!" There it was, the photo I waited a full year to make. I made a few more insurance exposures, packed up my gear and started back toward Moab in the brisk autumn air. I don't see how life could possibly get any better.

As you explore your favorite areas to photograph it pays to keep an open mind. Imagine what a scene might look like in different light, or a different season and remember to re-visit the area when the conditions are right. You never know what gorgeous images await!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby Sale!

No, I'm not talking about any black market sales of infants! Rather, I'm announcing that Melissa and I are well on our way to becoming parents. She's 20 weeks pregnant and due on April 18, 2009. We think it's a boy although the little turd wouldn't cooperate at the last ultrasound and didn't show his stuff long enough for any definitive views.

As any of you who are parents can attest, having a child ain't cheap. Cribs, diapers, strollers, car seats and such add up to a mound of cash. To help fund the new addition to our family all proceeds from the sale of any print at Bret Edge Photography will be applied toward the purchase of a baby item. Won't you help us fill the nursery with stuff for the littlest Edge by buying a gorgeous print? They make lovely presents, and with the holiday season upon us this is an excellent way to avoid the overcrowded malls.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2009 Workshops

With 2008 winding down, it's time to start planning our workshop calendar for 2009. Our first offering is an ambitious and exciting one. Over the course of five days we'll photograph Arches and Canyonlands, learn an efficient digital darkroom workflow and create several stunning prints of your favorite images that will dazzle family and friends at home.

We're finalizing all the details and they will be available at the Moab Photo Workshops website soon. Join us March 18 - 22, 2009 for this exciting workshop!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to Moab Photo Workshops blog!

If you're reading this it would appear that you've found my new blog. I intend to use this space to share my thoughts on nature and adventure photography, tips and techniques, upcoming events and more exciting stuff. Stay tuned, bookmark the page and drop me a line if you have ideas for topics you'd like to see me cover.